Thursday, July 2, 2009


A group of friends from The Crossing in Goshen went to a christian music festival down in Kentucky. We joined a ministry from IWU called LOVESTORM, and we all volunteered to be alter ministers. Talk about an amazing experience. The music was loud, and the speakers were amazing, and God was definatly there. However, I really struggled with feeling second best to my fellow brothers and sisters. As a result of that, the last night, the speaker gave an alter call and 1,000 kids came to know Christ. Where was I? Sitting at my campsite. I came later on, and got to help send out some kids, but they had already accepted Christ. Satan definatly won that battle, and I felt defeated and worthless. I knew I went on this trip to get over the fear of ministering. That may seem like a foolish fear, but I really struggle with putting myself out there in the first place. So being an alter minister was a big stretch for me. So I went on feeling aweful throughout the night. That night we went to a band called "Sleeping Giant"(p.s. seriously amazing), and I just broke down, and Krista(awesome sister in Christ) was there. We went away, and once i composed myself, I told her about everything. How terrible I was feeling, and everything on top of that. So we prayed. She spoke on behalf of God, and He told me that He was delighted with me. That was so comforting..but He wanted me to take it a step further. I have been struggling my whole life with fear, of everything, and anything. So, I declared, then and there, "I will not be afriad anymore!" There's much more to the story, but God is now with me, and I have no reason to be afraid. My chains are gone. It's a beautiful thing. I guess the point of all this is to tell everyone that God can do anything. No task is too big or too small. And no matter what you're going through, He delights in you, and wants you to talk to Him about. He is so good. Now, I'm not saying the fear is completley gone. I still struggle with fear, but I can quote scripture and tell Satan to get away from me. I take comfort in knowing that God is with me. Victory in Jesus.


  1. Becki! I did not know that you blogged.
    This is awesome. Freedom from fear is one of the greatest gifts we can possibly receive from God (other than our SALVATION, of course). Keep pursuing that freedom.
